Am I covered only in Sweden?

Hello, am I covered only in Sweden? I am working from Spain for three weeks. I have privat acess silver.


  • Hi!

    Thank you for your enquiry.

    If you become acutely ill or injured during a temporary trip abroad, the Private medical insurance PrivatAccess does not reimburse any healthcare costs in that country.

    However, PrivatAccess can cover the deductible that you may need to pay to your travel or home insurance company for your compensatory damages.

    A prerequisite is that the size of the damage exceeds the deductible amount in the travel or home insurance company.

    Compensation is provided with up to SEK 5,000 per requested deductible from your travel or home insurance company.

    Kind regards
  • Hi, I am planning to travel to China next summer. Can Euro Accident offer me some kind of extra insurance during that trip?
    Thank you
    Kind Regards
  • Hi!

    Thank you for contacting Ask us!

    No, we cannot offer any additional insurance for your journey.

    Kind regards
    Euro Accident
  • Hi
    Can I just ask what is the status now regarding COVID-19. Is it still subject to the Communicable Diseases Act?
    Is the illness still exempt from the condition of the private medical insurance?

  • Hi
    Can I just ask what is the status now regarding COVID-19. Is it still subject to the Communicable Diseases Act?
    Is the ilness still exempt from the condition of the private medical insurance?
  • Hi and thanks for your questions!

    Yes, COVID-19 is still exempt from the condition of PrivatAccess.

    Best regards
  • Ok thanks for reply!
  • Thank you, the same to you. Wish you a nice day!

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