Can I seek care using the app? And if so, how do I do it?

This is how you seek care in the Euro Accidents app if you have Private medical Insurance PrivatAccess Silver or Gold:
  1. Log in to the app with BankID.
  2. Press Seek and book healthcare in the overview
  3. Answer the questions to file a claim. Keep in mind that you need to create two different cases if, for example, you have pain in both knees. Then you create a case for the left knee and one for the right knee.
  4. When you search for psychological symptoms in the app, you will be taken to a calendar function where you book a telephone appointment for a psychological assessment with one of Euro Accident's psychologists. Otherwise, you are automatically sent to Doktor24 (hang in there even if you think it's taking a while!).
  5. When you come to Doktor24, you need to answer questions about your symptoms so that you get the best possible help.
  6. When you have answered the medical questions at Doktor24, you will receive a recommendation for further processing. It can be self-care advice, recommendation to apply public care for more urgent matters or a recommendation for us at Euro Accident to contact you to book you in at a scheduled time for physical care. It is almost always possible to choose to see a doctor digitally at Doktor24. The doctor can also write a referral for planned physical care which is sent to us at Euro Accident. We will issue a ticket that you can use to book a visit to the chosen healthcare provider. If we have any follow-up questions, we will contact you by phone.
Thank you for using the Euro Accidents app! 😊

Private medical insurance PrivatAccess applies to planned private care in Sweden. Emergency care is not included in the insurance. However, in many cases we can reimburse patient fees in public care up to the high-cost cover.
Euro Accident (Uppdaterad )

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