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Can you help me with a certificate that I have insurance with you?

Yes, we can. Send us an email to: info@euroaccident.com. Enter name, insurance number or personal identity number.

Please note that e-mail is not a secure way of sending information and that there is a risk of unauthorized people taking part in the message. If you want to be sure that your message cannot be read by unauthorized persons, you can contact us by phone instead, 077-440 00 10, select button 5. Opening hours - Euro Accident
Euro Accident


  • Hi I want my certificate of insurance contract, mentioning insurance signing date.
  • Hi,

    Thank you for keeping in touch.

    Please send us an email to: info@euroaccident.com. Enter name, insurance number or social security number.

    Please note that e-mail is not a secure way of sending information and that there is a risk of unauthorized people taking part in the message. If you want to be sure that your message cannot be read by unauthorized persons, you can contact us by phone instead, 077-440 00 10, select button 5. Opening hours - Euro Accident

    Best regards

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