How do I contact you if I have protected identity?

If your identity is protected, you should always call us if you need to seek care and have Private medical insurance PrivatAccess. However, you can use our app if you have to pay a deductible, see your referrals, sign powers of attorney or request compensation. Via this link to our website, you can read more about our app.

Call 0771-10 50 10 to seek care if you have Private medical insurance PrivatAccess.

Call 077-440 00 10, select button 2 and then button 4, (if you cannot use the app) to request compensation if you have Private medical insurance PrivatAccess.

Call our Customer Service if you have other questions regarding your insurance. The telephone number is: 077–440 00 10, select button 5. See opening hours
Euro Accident

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