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Staff member on longer sick leave. How do I report that?

Hi there

One of my staff is having a longer sick leave (due to stress and anxiety). It is day 10 now. He has a Euro Accident insurance from our company. I see that I (as his employer) should report this to Euro Accident. How should I do that?



  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question.

    When your employee is at risk of being on long-term sick leave or has recently been on sick leave and there is a need for work related rehabilitation, you as the employer can submit a claim for Rehabilitation - ComeBack.
    Euro Accident must receive this claim no later than the 30th day of sick leave.

    Klick on the link below to fill in the Claim form:
    Form (euroaccident.com)

    Call us if you have any further questions at our phonenumber: 077-440 00 10, select button 3 and then button 2. Opening hours - Euro Accident.

    Have a good day
    Lina Skadereglering

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