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Euro Accident


  • Hej!

    This is the first time I go to doctors through Euro Accident so I am not sure of how the costs will be handled.
    Last week I went to a doctor and payed 500 SEK and the doctor referred me to have an MRI at a radiology provider (Evidia).
    I wonder if I will handle the payment for the MRI too?

    Thanks in advance,
  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question.

    I assume that the SEK 500 you paid was your deductible in your Private medical insurance PrivatAccess. If the MRI applies to the same matter in which you have already paid a deductible, you should not pay a new deductible again.

    I hope that answered your question, if not, you are most welcome back.

    Best regards
  • Hej!

    I have severe pain from a wisdom tooth that needs surgically removing, is this covered under Private medical insurance silver
  • Hi!

    Thank you for your question. Sorry to hear about your pain. 

    The Private medical insurance does not cover dental treatment.

    Best regards
  • Is the PrivatAccess Silver cover dental?
  • Hi, thank you for your question.
    PrivatAccess silver does not cover dental care.

    Best regards
    Rebecca Skadereglerare
  • hi would you pay for wellness allowance, like gym or so?
  • Hi,

    Thank you for contacting Ask Us!

    If you have our health care insurance, PrivatAccess, we can help with reimbursement for a gym membership.

    In order for us to reimburse this, we need an referral/certificate that emphasizes the need for this kind of treatment from the treating physio/doctor. Observe that we reimburse an membership for 3 months at the time.

    If you have any further questions regarding this, please call us at 0771-10 50 14.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering
  • Does the insurance silver cover yearly medical examination?

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question.

    No, general and yearly medical examinations are not included in our Privat medical insurance PrivatAccess Silver. For us to be able to help, we need a symptom, a problem. We offer planned care based on which symptoms you have.

    Kind regards
  • Hi, I don't have the option "Book healthier" in my app.
    The picture shows an example of what it is supposed to be, and what I have is on the right.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question!

    The reason why you don't have this option in your app is because you don't have our private healthcare insurance. Since you're not covered by that insurance the option to "Book healthcare" doesn't present itself.

    The insurances you are covered by are our "Plansjuk" and "Premiebefrielse" insurances. These insurances can help you if you were to be on sick leave for a longer time period.

    If you have any further questions regarding your insurances, call 0771-10 50 11 and they can more thoroughly explain what your insurances cover.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering
  • How can I book a case for my daughter using the app? She needs to see a doctor but I dont know how to book it for he
  • Hi,

    I can see that you've been in contact with our nurses regarding booking and that you've received contact with a clinic.

    In the future if you wish to book an appointment through the app you first have to create a case and search via Doktor24, who you then have an online meeting with. They then send us an referral which we handle and send you an ticket which you can book an appointment with.

    If you have any further questions regarding this, please call us at 0771-10 50 14.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering
  • Hi, How can I seek assistance if I need an early examination and a treatment for obesity. Do you cover treatment like wegovy? Thank you
  • Hello,

    If your question concerns our Private medical insurance PrivatAccess, obesity is an exception, we also cannot offer Wegovy.
    However, we can offer a lifestyle program. It is aimed at our customers who are in need of healthier habits due to being underweight or overweight and who have PrivatAccess.

    If you are interested in the program, you can call us on telephone number: 0771–10 50 10 for assessment.

    With kind regards
    Karin Medicinskt Kundcenter
  • Hi, I would like to know if the private insurance covers obstetrics and gynecology issues.
  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question!

    The insurance doesn't cover issues related to obstetrics but it does help with gynecology issues.

    If you need to get in contact with a doctor for gynecology issues, please call our nurses. You'll reach them by calling 0771-10 50 10.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering
  • Hi,

    Does this insurance cover laser eye surgery?
  • Hi,

    If your question is about whether our health care insurance covers this or not, then it's a no. The insurance doesn't cover any costs or treatment related to vision correction, which includes glasses, lenses or, in your case, laser eye surgery.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask us a new one or call us at 0771-10 50 14.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering
  • How do I schedule an appointment to get a flu shot (yearly influenza vaccination)?
  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question!

    The insurance doesn't cover fluevaccinations. Therefore you cannot book this through us.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering
  • Hello,
    is it possible to get a blood test for lipids and cholesterol levels (preventative care) through you?
  • Hi!

    The insurance doesn't cover any costs related to preventative care. In order for the insurance to be able to help, you need to have symptoms or issues.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask us a new question or call us. You'll reach us by calling 0771-10 50 10.

    Kind regards,
    Jacob Skadereglering

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